
Is it possible to change/designate the name on the coupon to one that is different from the original owner?

The name on the coupon can be changed given the original owner’s consent


When does the coupon become valid and when does it expire?

The coupon is valid from today till the 31st of July 2018


What happens if I lose or forget to bring the coupon when I come to the hospital?

It is recommended to call .1719 for assistance in this matter


How do I transfer ownership of the coupon?

You can change the name on the coupon, be sure to include a signature of consent from the original owner as proof


How do I make an appointment?

Appointments can be made by calling the Contact Center .1719


What are the preparation procedures before arriving at the hospital?

For cases where a blood test is required please refrain from eating or drinking approximately 8-10 hours before arrival
